John luther (2022-05-31)
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If you had been facing trouble regarding Chicago referencing, your arrival is most opportune. Well, you can use Chicago referencing generator. However, if you know the format, it will help you a lot.
Some of the salient features of Chicago style footnotes are highlighted below.
- A footnote in the Chicago style is used to denote the references in the assignments & help with the Assignment problem calculator.
- A superscript number is placed after the quote or the paraphrase, if you wish to cite from a source.
- A sequential order is followed for the citation purpose.
- The number corresponds to the citations or the footnote.
- The footnotes appear at the bottom of the page.
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In-text Referencing
As per the norms, the first time you wish to cite the Chicago style format reference in the text, you have to provide the author name, last name of the author, title, place of publication, name of publication, year and the referenced pages.
For instance,
- Jesse Schell, The Art Of Game Design: A book of lenses, (New York, 2019)
However, if the citation has been already cited, it can be shortened to the author’s last name, shortened title, and the page number.
Take a look at the format below
- Schell, The Art, 85-91
The note may be shortened further, to ibid. along with the page number, in case if you just used it in the previous statement.
- , 95
If you cannot understand the format, you can use tools like Oxford referencing generator.
Citing Different Sources
- Newspaper
Surname of the author, First name of the author, “Title of the article”. Newspaper Title. Month, Date, Publication Year, Accessed Month, Date URL
For example,
Schlansky, Alexander “The Omega-Ray1 Corporate Skirmish Escalates Further” The Washington Daily, April 12, 2020. Accessed May 21, 2020
- Website
Surname of the author, First name of the author. “Title of the Page” Title of the Website. Web Address (retrieved Date Accessed)
For example,
Loomis, Sarah “Artists are Avoiding Albums and Going For Singles”
- E-Book
Last name of the author, First name of the author. Title of the Book. Publisher City: Name of the Publisher, Publishing Year
For instance,
Damien H. Beall. Glass-ceramic technology. John Wiley & Sons, 2019.
- Journal
Surname of the author, First name of the author. “Title of the article”. Name of the Journal Volume number (Year Published): Page Numbers
For instance,
Alexander, Fleming. “Project Management Strategy for Successful Completion of Tasks” Project Management Solutions 121 (2018): 110-129
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Source: ABCs of Chicago Referencing
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