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Dinosaur Game

Victor Horne (2024-10-07)

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dinosaur game, also known as Chrome Dino or T-Rex Runner, is a popular mini-game built into the Google Chrome browser. The game was designed to entertain users when they lost their internet connection, but has become a simple and fun entertainment icon, attracting millions of players worldwide. Here is a detailed look at the game and why it is so popular.

Simple Storyline and Gameplay
Dinosaur Game was developed by the Google Chrome team and first launched in 2014. When the browser cannot connect to the internet, the game will appear with the image of a T-Rex dinosaur standing in the middle of the desert, expressing the "primitive" feeling of not having an internet connection.

Gameplay: The game is very simple and accessible. Players simply control the T-Rex dinosaur to jump over obstacles such as cacti and birds by pressing the space bar or tapping the screen (on mobile devices). The goal is to run as far as possible without hitting any obstacles. Difficulty increases: As the T-Rex moves faster, players will need to react faster and calculate more accurately to avoid hitting obstacles. Increasing speed and more obstacles create difficulty and excitement when playing.

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