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Instructions to Download and Install Setup driver/software

Siya khalifa (2022-05-03)

En respuesta a canon mg3620 wireless setup

Follow the instructions below to download and install canon printer driver or software;

Open the browser of your device.
One can use any browser.
Then visit the link Setup.
Then the official page of canon will open.
There you will see the Setup (start here) option.
Click on that option.
Then enter the product name or select from the letters below.
Then click on the Go option.
After that, the driver's instructions will appear.
Follow the instructions and set up the Printer as shown.
After completing the process, the next page will appear.
Then click on the Download option.
The downloading will begin.
After downloading the driver setup, double click on it and Run the Setup.
Then click on the Yes option.
And then installation will begin.

canon pixma tr4522 setup
pixma ts9120
canon pixma tr4520 series
canon tr4522 driver
canon pixma tr4520 setup

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